Ben Foley

Follower of Jesus, Pastor, Author, and President of ServeNow.

Serve Like Jesus

What would change in our lives and other’s around us if we approached every situation asking How Would Jesus Serve?

Serve Like Jesus outlines twelve unique principles from the example of Jesus that will transform our lives and the lives of those we serve. Drawing on scripture and real-life examples locally and globally, you will find new inspiration and clarity to serve more like Jesus.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“You will enjoy every page”

This new book by Ben Foley will challenge, shape, and change us for the better. We need a fresh reminder that serving others is at the heart of our missional strategy. You will enjoy every page.

Brady Boyd
Senior Pastor, New Life Church, and Author of Addicted to Busy

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Will leave a lasting impression”

I encourage you, if you are looking for inspiration, guidance, and practical advice on how to make a meaningful impact, this book is an invaluable resource that will give a lasting impression.

Arjun Dhakal
Nepal National Director, ServeNow

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“An effective guide”

With holistic Scriptural footing, practical questions, and true stories of modern-day application, Serve Like Jesus is an effective guide to develop the heart and daily habits of the greatest Servant of All.

Allison Parker
ServeNow board Vice Chair

Navigating Disappointment

Our world is full of sadness, trauma, and brokenness. Forces from within and without batter us daily. Even the most faithful followers of Jesus will, at some point, find themselves disoriented. How do we find our way through seasons of disappointment?

In Navigating Disappointment: Finding Healing in a Broken World, Ben Foley wrestles honestly with these challenging seasons of life and charts a way forward. Drawing on examples and insight from key characters and passages, especially from Scripture, we, too, can find healing for our lives and the world today.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“This is a good book!”

Disappointments and heartbreaks have always been with us. But in this hour so many good people are losing faith. It is so vital to shepherd our hearts through disappointment and grief. This is a good book to help you!”

John Eldredge
Author of Wild at Heart and Resilient

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Wise reflection

This book is a wise reflection on God’s often mysterious ways with us, especially concerning disappointment and doubt. The reader will benefit from rich biblical reflections mixed with the author’s own struggles and those related to his ministry.

Douglas Groothuis
Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. Author of Walking through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness-A Philosopher’s Lament

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Important and Timely”

Navigating Disappointment is an important and timely book that is biblical, personal, and practical. Jesus warned us that, “in this world, you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Dr. Paul Leavenworth
Director of the Convergence Group and the Center for Mentoring, Coaching, and Leadership Development

Everything is Meaningless

Do our lives matter? What is the point of so much of life when it is fleeting, temporary, and finite? Where can we find meaning, significance, and purpose?

Everything is Meaningless takes an honest look at the despair and cynicism that characterize and plague our generation. From depression to the reality of injustice to the emptiness of pleasure, wealth, fame, education, and achievement, Everything is Meaningless wrestles with life’s philosophical and practical concerns.

This book draws from the inspiration and insight of an oft neglected and misunderstood book of the Bible: Ecclesiastes. Our despair and sense of meaninglessness can give way to the beauty, hope, and purpose found when we learn to live in light of eternity and our relationship with our Creator.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Desperately Needs to Hear”

As someone who shares in the struggles Ben outlines, I am grateful for the vulnerability he offers in his fight for joy over despair. We are a people of hope following a God of love who made us with purpose and for a life of meaning. This is a message, and an offer, the world desperately needs to hear.

Tim McConnell
Lead Pastor and Author of Happy Church: Pursuing Radical Joy as the People of God

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Positive Message of Hope”

Everything is Meaningless sounds like a miserable book to read. However, Ben Foley masterfully turns it into a book that helps you through anything that feels meaningless to you and moves the book into a positive message of hope which can be applied to our own lives.

Lars B. Dunberg
President Emeritus, ServeNow

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Drink Deep and be Refreshed”

The secret is out. Everyone has down times that challenge our calling and purpose. I have. Ben beautifully surfaces the issues, putting word to feelings and a mirror to our soul. His practical solutions are rooted in scripture and reality. Drink deep and be refreshed.

Jerry White, PhD.
International President Emeritus: The Navigators, Major General, United States Air Force (Retired)

Hope Rising

The world feels more turbulent and hopeless with each passing day. Fear, anxiety, and despair darken and grip our hearts. From disasters and diseases to scandals and divisiveness. Where can we find true and lasting hope?

Hope Rising does not sugarcoat the stark realities of the world or the individual circumstances each of us may be facing. But it does tell real stories of hope rising from around the world, even from what seem to be the most hopeless situations. It’s also a call to each of us to bring hope to a world in need.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“A Timely Book”

Hope is a universal need and a deep cry of every human heart. As followers of Jesus, we have endless access to the source of all lasting hope both for ourselves and to share with the world in our own unique ways as image-bearers of God. Ben Foley and Lars B. Dunberg have written a timely book that all generations can benefit from!

Mark Batterson
New York Times best-selling author,
The Circle Maker; Lead Pastor of
National Community Church

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Biblical Response of Hope”

Hope Rising comes to us in a season filled with uncertainty: a pandemic, nation-wide racial division, and economic and political unrest. Ben and Lars provide us with a biblical response of hope. Through real-life testimonials from Bible heroes, this book is both timely and timeless. It grants us a fresh glimpse of God’s love for His people in action. Jesus Chris is the hope of the world, and you and and I are invited to be a part of the God-story of the World, and you and I can be part of His God story.

Dr. Wayne Cordeiro
President, New Hope Christian College; senior pastor, New Hope West; founder Master of Arts in Formational Leadership; author

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Anchors us in Hope”

Right now, we are in desperate need of hope! Thankfully, in the midst of global turbulence and disruption, hope is on the rise. This book shares the story of ServeNow, but even more significantly, Ben tells a story than anchors us in hope and opens our eyes to where God is on the move. Inspiring!

Peter Greer
President and CEO, HOPE International

Serving as Jesus would serve.

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Ben Foley

Married to Lauren with four children. Ben served as a pastor in New Jersey for six years and is a graduate of Lancaster Bible College with a bachelors in pastoral ministry and a master’s degree in Formational Leadership.

International President of ServeNow, a Christian non-profit: “Sharing Christ’s passion for the world by serving the most vulnerable through national churches and leaders.”

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Sharing Christ | Preaching | Writing

  • An Ordinary Christmas
    I don’t know about you, but I’ve always longed for something more than the ordinary. What I believe God was reminding me of this Christmas is not only that there is something more than the ordinary but also that he shows up and brings life to the ordinary! He brings light and color to a dark, grey, and cloudy world. He doesn’t remove the ordinary but superimposes heaven on earth. God brought heaven to earth when he entered our world, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And today, in Christ, heaven still touches earth in and through our lives.
  • Our Relationship with Time
    I don’t know about you, but one of the things I wrestle with is the reality and limitation of time. I never feel like I have “enough time” to do all that needs to be done or that I would like to do. I often feel “behind” in the things that need to be accomplished. Other times, I get stressed about the seeming lack of time. I even feel guilty and restless when I take a time “off” or have “down time” as it seems like a “waste of time.”
  • A Day in Prison
    There is a depth of intimacy that comes not simply in quiet alone times with God, as important as that is. A degree of closeness comes not just in worship with God’s people, as necessary as that is. But there is also an aspect of friendship with Jesus found only in following his leading and serving others in need. We can meet with Jesus by serving those often overlooked, forgotten, or not seen by the world because that is where and with whom Jesus likes to hang out and reveal himself in unique ways.